mathematics, a representation theorem is a
theorem that states that every abstract structure with certain properties is
isomorphic to another (abstract or concrete) structure.
Another variant,
Stone's duality, states that there exists a duality (in the sense of an arrow-reversing equivalence) between the
categories of Boolean algebras and that of
Stone spaces.
Mostowski's collapsing theorem states that every well-founded extensional structure is isomorphic to a transitive set with the ∈-relation.
One of the fundamental theorems in
sheaf theory states that every sheaf over a
topological space can be thought of as a sheaf of
sections of some (étalé) bundle over that space: the categories of sheaves on a topological space and that of
étalé spaces over it are equivalent, where the equivalence is given by the
functor that sends a bundle to its sheaf of (local) sections.
Gelfand representation (also known as the commutative Gelfand–Naimark theorem) states that any commutative
C*-algebra is isomorphic to an algebra of continuous functions on its
Gelfand spectrum. It can also be seen as the construction as a duality between the category of commutative
C*-algebras and that of
compact Hausdorff spaces.