The general first-order, linear (only with respect to the term involving derivative) integro-differential equation is of the form
As is typical with
differential equations, obtaining a closed-form solution can often be difficult. In the relatively few cases where a solution can be found, it is often by some kind of integral transform, where the problem is first transformed into an algebraic setting. In such situations, the solution of the problem may be derived by applying the inverse transform to the solution of this algebraic equation.
Upon taking term-by-term Laplace transforms, and utilising the rules for derivatives and integrals, the integro-differential equation is converted into the following algebraic equation,
Alternatively, one can
complete the square and use a table of
Laplace transforms ("exponentially decaying sine wave") or recall from memory to proceed:
Integro-differential equations model many situations from
science and
engineering, such as in circuit analysis. By
Kirchhoff's second law, the net voltage drop across a closed loop equals the voltage impressed . (It is essentially an application of
energy conservation.) An RLC circuit therefore obeys
where is the current as a function of time, is the resistance, the inductance, and the capacitance.[1]
Whitham equation is used to model nonlinear dispersive waves in fluid dynamics.[2]
Integro-differential equations have found applications in
epidemiology, the mathematical modeling of
epidemics, particularly when the models contain
age-structure[3] or describe spatial epidemics.[4] The
Kermack-McKendrick theory of infectious disease transmission is one particular example where age-structure in the population is incorporated into the modeling framework.